Publications in journals
Unpacking Electoral Competition: Campaign Spending, Vote Distribution and Turnout in Chilean Mayoral Elections
joint with Juan Miguieles, Fabián Belmar and Roberto Monares. Policy Studies, forthcoming.

Measuring Preferences for Income Equality and Income Mobility
joint with Kenneth A. Shores, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 106 (6): 1542–1557, 2024.

Attendance manipulation and efficiency in Chile’s school voucher system
joint with Eduardo Fajnzylber. Economics of Education Review, 95, 102426, 2023.

Identifying Preferences for Equal College Access, Income, and Income Equality
joint with Kenneth A. Shores, Education Finance and Policy, 15(2), 270–291, 2020.

Increased Learning or GPA Inflation? Evidence from GPA-Based University Admission in Chile
joint with Eduardo Fajnzylber and Tomás León, Economics of Education Review, 72,147-165, 2019.

Tactical Distribution in Local Funding: The Value of an Aligned Mayor
joint with Sergio Toro, European Journal of Political Economy, 56, 74-89, 2019.

Effective schools do exist: low-income children’s academic performance in Chile
joint with Francisco Henríquez, Alejandra Mizala and Andrea Repetto. Applied Economics Letters, Volume 19(5), 2012.

The Effectiveness of Private Voucher Education: Evidence From Structural School Switches
joint with Alejandra Mizala and Andrea Repetto. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 33(2), 119-137, 2011.